Bachelor of Science in Geology
BS in Geology - Advising checklist
Revised for Fall 2021

Photo: SSU geology students and faculty at the foot of the Athabasca Glacier on the Burgess Shale Paleontology trip to the Canadian Rocky Mountains, August 2014.
Welcome! The B.S. in Geology is ideal for attending graduate school in any subfield in geology, or for becoming registered as a Professional Geologist (PG) with the State of California, or a Hydrogeologist or Geophysicist. See: Contact us for more information!
Bear in mind when considering the BS in Geology that you are required to attend summer field camp as equivalent to SSU Geology 427 – Advanced Field Geology, usually in the summer after you walk at SSU Commencement. Early on you should research which camp you would like to attend (e.g., at or in order to ensure that you have enough funds to go to the camp of your choosing. Also, other students in the department are a good way to gather information about summer field camps. You will have to apply to another university and be accepted into their field camp, attend field camp, and transfer the units back to SSU by requesting a transcript from that school to complete your degree. Field camps vary widely in cost. See also Geology 427 below under degree requirements.