The faculty in the Geology department all maintain active research labs. There is ample opportunity for motivated undergraduate students to conduct original research with faculty members in the Department of Geology, and many of our majors do just that! Research students work one-on-one with faculty members in their research groups. These research projects are routinely funded, and students have the opportunity to travel to interesting locations for fieldwork (in the US and potentially abroad), could potentially get paid to conduct research, and the opportunity to publish their work and travel to national conferences to present findings.
We have a variety of research equipment in the department located in the Wet Lab (Darwin 120), Thin Section Lab (Darwin 129), and Rock Cutting Room (Darwin 21). In order to access these rooms and use the equipment you must be given explicit permission and training by a faculty member. Additionally, the department must have a Geology Student Safety Training Form on file for any student using these rooms. You can download and digitally sign the form. A copy will be emailed to Phil and kept on record in the department.
Geology Student Safety Training Form