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How to Declare

We're thrilled you're interested in declaring a major or minor in the Department of Geology! We do not have impacted majors, and any undergraduate student can declare a B.S. in Geology, B.A. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, or Minor in Geology. This includes transfer students and freshman. The Change of Major form used to do this can be found online on the "Forms and Procedures" section of the Office of the Registrar's website. 

 The link to the Change of Major form is here for your convenience. This form is used to:

  • Add a major or minor for a non-impacted major
  • Drop an impacted or non-impacted major or minor
  • Change your catalog year (pertains to the requirements you have to meet by the time you graduate)

It is highly recommended that you speak to the chair of the department, Matty Mookerjee, before submitting this form.