Matty Mookerjee
Professor and Department Chair

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I am a structural geologist with particular interests in quantifying three-dimensional kinematics of fault/shear zones. I often use three-dimensional grain shape analysis combined with crystallographic texture analysis to determine the behavior of these deformation zones. I also have a fascination with cyberinfrastructure and how to get field data into the appropriate data repositories such that it can be used and re-used to answer questions about earth history.
2005 Ph.D in Geological Science from the University of Rochester (advisor: Gautam Mitra); 2001 MS in Geological Science from the University of Rochester (advisor: Gautam Mitra); 1999 Indiana University Summer Field Camp; 1999 BA in Geology from Oberlin College (thesis advisor: Steve Wojtal)
Academic Interests
Research Interests: The kinematics of highly strained zones with particular interest in how microstructural and incremental strain patterns contribute to large-scale displacements. I have projects along the San Andreas Fault (CA), the Denali Fault (AK), in the Himalayas (India), the Bitterroot Detachment Lobe (MT), the Rosy Finch Shear Zone (CA), polygonal faults in Egypt, as well as analog modeling of fault asperity kinematics, and developing cyberinfrastructure (CI) tools for crystallographic, microstructural, and image analyses.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Mookerjee, M., †Kucker, K., †Swain., T., †Martin, D., †Paquette, P., 2017. Analog modeling of fault asperity kinematics using a modified squeeze-box design and wax media. Interpretation, 5(1), SD67-SD80. doi: 10.1190/INT-2016-0090.1;
†Das, J.P., Bhattacharyya, K., Mookerjee, M., Ghosh, P., 2016. Orogen-parallel L-tectonites from Pelling-Munsiari thrust of Sikkim Himalayan fold thrust belt: A kinematic study using multiple, incremental strain markers. Journal of Structural Geology, 90, 61-75.;
Mookerjee, M., †Canada, A., †Fortescue, F., 2016. Quantifying Thinning and Extrusion Associated with an Oblique Subduction Zone: an example from the Rosy Finch Shear Zone. Tectonophysics, 693, 290-303. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.06.012.;
Mookerjee, M., †Vieira, D., Chan, M., Gil, Y., Pavlis, T., Spear, F., Tikoff, B., 2015. Field data management: Integrating cyberscience and geoscience, Eos, 96, 18-21. doi:10.1029/2015EO036703.
Mookerjee, M., †Vieira, D., Chan, M., Gil, Y., Goodwin, C., Shipley, T., Tikoff, B., 2015. We Need to Talk: Facilitating communication between field-based geoscience and cyberinfrastructure communities. GSA Today, 25, 34-35. doi: 10.1130/GSATG248GW.1 †Student Presenter/Author